For the past few weeks, I have been bombarded with products that are being sold and advertized and need you to do the multi level marketing in order to get compensated. Some products seem quite lucrative and I witnessed how all the people I knew instantly jumped into it because we are all in for the quick buck and money is our saviour. This is why people here live lives that are just fake. They create connections just to be able to sell something and they do not have any genuine interest in getting to know someone. IT has become a society where I need to strive to feed myself and I do it at the expense of others buying from me. This place has become a :My product is better than theirs so buy from me type of society. Honestly, how do you expect to create meaningful relationships with someone when you have to compete with them as opposed to working together? That is why people live very independent and separate lives. How many people do you meet nowadays would really love to create new friendships and connections?
At least where I live it is not the case compared to where I grew up in.
Let's make this world a better place. Let's all contribute to the Equal Money System.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
self forgiveness on reacting to some seller
i had previously signed up in this product line where you have to purchase 100 $ worth of their product each month and the seller obviously gets commision on that..Currently because of my financial situation, i chose to cancel this membership. The seller found out about it and was surprised and somewhat agressive in her approach, based on what I perceived to be true.
I felt hurt and I felt that someone was just here to use me to their advantage and I didn't like that, so I reacted to that situation.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to feel hurt, embarassed and betrayed by this situation.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to experience moments of anger at the person
I forgive myself for allowing myself to think that I am better off isolating myself from everyone because of that
I forgive myself for allowing myself to experience sadness in me because I feel that this world is nothing but a mean world where people are just using one another for their advantage.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to feel that I should just ignore people and try to seek friendships in other people , ie looking for separation beyond.
I realize now that I feel much more supported at work with my coworkers than with others in the social circle I am in.
I realize that what I Was seeking was just a form of separation from me, which was noted in seeking for other relationships or friendships that I sought but just never found. I now realize that those moment I Spend at work talking to certain coworkers and expressing who I am and what I want in the moment and feeling myself is what I always longed for and that I was living it but not realizing it because I Was seeking something outside of me. AS from now, I will learn to appreciate all those moments and talks with my coworkers and be in the moment, as opposed to seeking out friendships that are out there somewhere but not inside.
I felt hurt and I felt that someone was just here to use me to their advantage and I didn't like that, so I reacted to that situation.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to feel hurt, embarassed and betrayed by this situation.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to experience moments of anger at the person
I forgive myself for allowing myself to think that I am better off isolating myself from everyone because of that
I forgive myself for allowing myself to experience sadness in me because I feel that this world is nothing but a mean world where people are just using one another for their advantage.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to feel that I should just ignore people and try to seek friendships in other people , ie looking for separation beyond.
I realize now that I feel much more supported at work with my coworkers than with others in the social circle I am in.
I realize that what I Was seeking was just a form of separation from me, which was noted in seeking for other relationships or friendships that I sought but just never found. I now realize that those moment I Spend at work talking to certain coworkers and expressing who I am and what I want in the moment and feeling myself is what I always longed for and that I was living it but not realizing it because I Was seeking something outside of me. AS from now, I will learn to appreciate all those moments and talks with my coworkers and be in the moment, as opposed to seeking out friendships that are out there somewhere but not inside.
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